So, I had an interesting conversation recently with someone who said everyone has a price. This conversation started with news of a police chase that ended in gunfire because two guys decided, “Hey, let’s rob an unsuspecting woman today.” My conversationalist went on to say he wouldn’t do something that stupid for a few hundred bucks and a gunfight with cops.
Ok, first, I’m thinking, “Who are you?!” Then I asked, “So if it were a million dollars, you would?” This is where you came in.
He said people would do something illegal if there were a big payoff from the crime. Then he warned me of people who lie to themselves (guilty as charged, I guess) and say they don’t have a price. Yeah, I was in disbelief at this point.
Of course, some people will commit crimes for money! Did we learn nothing from Enron? Let’s face it: when it comes down to it, we are defined by our moral and ethical fiber, beliefs, and convictions. I really would not commit a crime for ANY amount of money. Period.
Before you check for strings from my halo, let me be honest. I have thought plenty about playing that one lucky number in the lottery. I’ve even told myself, “If I win…” it had to be God ’cause my chances are like 1 in 132,317,564!” You get a car, you get a car! My debt gets paid off!
Well, you get the picture.
Although I was warned against people who are fooling themselves, here’s what I think we need to be warned against.
- Sin is a crime against God. Of that, we’re all guilty. Yet we can also overcome through Christ and the Holy Spirit living inside us.
- Holding on to the treasures of this world. If you’re a believer, our home is in heaven, where our treasures are.
- No crime, lie, manipulation, desperation, or get-rich-quick scheme is worth it. By comparison, it’s almost too silly to mention what’s waiting for those of us who believe in Christ.
This is why I love conversations that may challenge perspectives. I was quick to put on my Righteous badge with gusto! But money isn’t my “thing,” so this comes easy for me. However, we all have our “crimes.” So, would you have a price if you put your specific crimes in place of money? What are our prices? “If nobody found out” price? “Fame and popularity” price? “Power” price? It makes you wonder. It also makes you search your heart.
I pray we don’t fall for the trick of exchanging our treasures in heaven for earthly treasures that hold no real value by comparison.
Luke 12:20-21
But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”
I asked myself, now I’m asking you, do you have a price?