Ever so often, we get into the mindset that we are just overwhelmed. The truth is, maybe you are. Life can be demanding, intimidating, and busy. However, as believers in Jesus Christ, we must remember to stay the course even when it seems we must add one more thing. Or you feel you have to move faster. That’s how we’ve been trained. The more you do, the more productive you are, right? Not so fast. Some of us are busy being busy, and nothing effective is getting or being done. Remember the tortoise and the hare. Mr. Bunny was busy and fast. Some of us are the hare, but not enough are the tortoise.
“doing and moving faster and faster never meant that you were on course. It simply means you have a lot of stuff to do.”
We must be reminded that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. So, if we feel like there is so much to do with so little time, we probably need to stay on the course and eliminate all the little rabbit holes that can trap us into busyness. This means we may need to take some things off our plate for a season to truly and productively stay on course. We are not in competition with others; we are all running the race of faith. But doing and moving faster and faster never meant that you were on course. It simply means you have a lot of stuff to do.

All of the “things” you are working on will be there, and some shouldn’t. We put them there. I know you probably read the title and thought this would encourage staying focused, and you’re right. The real point you should take away is understanding the importance of staying the course. It’s not always going, going, going and busy, busy, busy. For most, it means that you are working nonstop without taking a step back to ensure you are still on course with God. May I suggest you relax and gather your thoughts, body, and soul? Pause for a second and reevaluate the course. If you have strayed or are you still in line with God’s vision for your life? The busier you get, the less time you spend listening to God. We add on activity after activity, and we rush through life. Have you ever seen someone racing against a clock? They are hurried, rushed, usually sloppy, and on edge. That is not the life God has called us to live.
Have you considered that life is messy so that we can slow down?
We as believers should be enjoying life; every minute of it we can. Life is going to bring trouble; that’s a given. Sure enough, life is going to end as well. I don’t believe I have known anyone to think about all their work and busyness on their deathbed. God said that we should have an abundant life. I know in today’s society, that means more is better. More is better when you keep things in the perspective in which Christ meant it. We should be more intimate with Christ; we should be more obedient, and we should be living out more of the fruit of the Spirit. We should be studying the Word more. We should be resting in the care of God more. We should invest in our spousal and parental relationships more. More, more, more is accurate in the proper context.
Let’s face it: life is MESSY, and we tend to sweep it all under the rug to keep stepping. Have you considered that life is messy so that we can slow down? Take a step back. Examine the course. We need to perk up those spiritual ears and hear what the Lord is trying to speak. If you move too fast, the wind (busyness) can muffle the voice of God. So, this week, I challenge you to be the tortoise. Slow down, worship, pray, and study the Word. You might be surprised.