Do you remember the adage “My conscience is clear.”? Many people still say it today. Or you may hear something a little more current like, “I’m sleeping good at night.” In other words, because their conscience is clear they aren’t losing any sleep over whether they are living right or wrong. But what does that mean? It means nothing is searing your conscience regarding sin. It means according to you there is no reason to be up at night thinking about or weighing anything you’ve said, done, or thought that day. As a Christian, the concept of a clear conscience holds profound significance in our journey of faith. It’s not merely about feeling guilt-free or morally upright; it’s about aligning actions, thoughts, and intentions with the divine will of God.
However, did you know that our conscience is a signal from our soul? Do you remember the red blinking light that beep.beep-beep.beep.beep-beep beep in an emergency or PSA announcement? That is what our conscience is for us. If we think certain things are okay only based on how we feel about them that red blinking light should be doing a rapid-fire signal sequence because the Holy Spirit will activate it. Which is letting you know you are off the mark of Kingdom thinking and alignment. The Word of God will always back up the Holy Spirit. That is the difference between a biblical and godly conscience versus our own thoughts and desires that often can lead to deception and lies.
Here’s why.
Does it matter that certain things are okay with you or not? Here’s the bigger more important question: If you think something is okay does it make it okay with God too because it doesn’t bother you? Now most of us would say no but even more of us live as though it doesn’t matter. We live as though our conscience and what we deem okay doesn’t warrant any further considerations. Depending on how we use it, our conscience can be a compass, that can either guides us toward righteousness or deception.
See Paul had great wisdom that we should learn from. He knew that just because he held a view about something that didn’t bother his conscience didn’t make him innocent before God.
We need that wisdom. We need to be reminded that our days are numbered so we aren’t filled with the pride of life thinking we have time to figure it out or you are the I AM in your life. No, we must number our days to gain wisdom.
Psalm 90:12
“So, teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”
We need to remember we will have an end. We need to remember that there are no do-overs. Once we check out – that’s it. All our choices in life will be judged, even those things that we filed under “clear conscience” in our mental Rolodex. We need to practice the thought process Paul wrote about in
1 Corinthians 4:4.
Although my conscience is clear that does not make me innocent. God will judge me
Our Clear Conscience Versus Godly Conscience
Moreover, a clear conscience requires a commitment to truthfulness and sincerity in all our dealings. When we embrace this mindset and attitude, I believe we will live life more dependent on God. Seeking Him leads to learning obedience and living according to His will. Honesty forms the bedrock of a clear conscience. When we speak the truth in love, we cultivate trust and authenticity in our relationships. Too many of us live life beating to our own drum when we should be living to the beat of the Father’s heart.
Remembering our days is not morbid, it’s reality. One that we need to intentionally and purposely yield to. When we know that our days are numbered it keeps us humble and obedient to God. We’ll aim to be more loving as Christ commanded and to please God with all our hearts. We’ll aim to stay on the narrow road more consistently from a heart of gratitude for each day. We won’t take advantage of His grace but aim to serve God and his people with a pure heart. We will worship with an eager heart because of His goodness and loving-kindness.
Furthermore, a clear conscience requires obedience to God’s commandments. In 1 John 3:21, it is written, “Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God.” When we walk in obedience to God’s Word, our conscience bears witness to our righteousness, enabling us to approach Him with boldness and assurance. Obedience is not merely about adhering to a set of rules; it’s about wholeheartedly surrendering our will to God’s divine authority, trusting that His ways are higher than ours. However, if we live unbothered or uninvolved to what is expected from us we’ll develop a false clear conscience based on how we feel about something or our point of view alone. We’ll take God out of it completely.
Maintaining a clear conscience does not exempt us from continually seeking God and ensuring we are aligned with the Kingdom, Christ-centered thinking, and living. Our conscience serves as a battleground where spiritual warfare unfolds. 1 Timothy 1:19 warns, “holding on to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and so have suffered shipwreck with regard to the faith.” It’s crucial to safeguard our conscience against the subtle attacks of the enemy, strengthened with prayer, scripture, and fellowship with fellow believers. When we live with active faith, we live wearing the armor of God in humility. Understanding we are called to imitate Christ and learning how he lived life with other people and with the Father is the guide as to where our consciences should be aligned.
Why We Need a Godly Conscience
We NEED that! We need healthy doses of humility, large portions of obedience, jolts of reality that our human measure of a clear conscience is not enough to stand before a holy God. It’s Christ alone that is our surety and security into the gates of eternal life. We won’t get by with talking the talk and surely not with the thought that “my conscience is clear” based on living according to culture and societal norms.
We need the wisdom to remember the God we serve will have the final say in how many days we have here on this side of heaven and how we used those days He provided. I’m telling you, we need the reminder of our numbered days. With wisdom comes conviction and with conviction comes resolve. A godly conscience empowers us to live fearlessly and boldly for Christ. Acts 24:16 records the words of the apostle Paul, “So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.” Paul’s unwavering commitment to integrity and righteousness enabled him to endure persecution and proclaim the gospel boldly, undeterred by opposition or adversity. Likewise, when our conscience is clear, we can face life’s challenges with courage and resilience, knowing that God’s grace sustains us through every trial.
Understand that a godly clear conscience nurtures inner peace and contentment. Philippians 4:7 assures believers, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” When our conscience is at peace, we experience a profound sense of calm and composure, regardless of external circumstances. Knowing we are in right standing with God gives us peace that is not contingent on worldly success or material possessions; it comes from a deep-rooted trust in God’s providence and sovereignty.
A clear conscience enables genuine fellowship with God and fellow believers. Hebrews 10:22 encourages us, “Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” When our conscience is cleansed from guilt and shame, we can approach God’s presence with confidence, communing with Him intimately and receiving His grace and mercy.
Know that a clear conscience is not a passive state of moral satisfaction; it’s an active pursuit of righteousness, integrity, and obedience to God’s will. When we live beyond “unbothered” and according to God it empowers us to live fearlessly and boldly for Christ, developing inner peace, contentment, and genuine fellowship with God and fellow believers. As we strive to keep our conscience clear before God and man, remember this passage of scripture found in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” May we continue to walk in the light of God’s truth, allowing His Word to clear our conscience and guide us on the path of righteousness. May we live from the convictions of our hearts in Christ instead of our own understanding.