How can you be in a rough season of life and still have an authentic joy? In our Christian world, we say things like, “Keep the faith” and “Keep your eyes on Jesus,” but what does that mean? How does one look past frustration and pain and genuinely have joy instead of a plastic “supposed to have joy” smile? It’s okay not to be okay. Let us start there.
When things hit and affect us, we can acknowledge how we feel. We can admit I’m feeling sad or discouraged right now. We can share that we are crushed in spirit if that is where we are. One of the major stumbling blocks in the body of Christ today is our lack of honesty about where we are. When we confess and speak out, whether sin or not, it helps us talk through where our thoughts and hearts are truly focused. Hiding has never helped anyone heal.
God wants your true heart, not the check mark of another spiritual task done for the day.
Though the clichés are actual, they became clichés for a reason: they are familiar and valid. We should keep our faith and keep our eyes on Jesus. However, people usually stop there, and we don’t discuss what that looks like.
So let’s discuss it now, shall we?
- Get praying. You might have read this and immediately felt like this was a no-brainer. That may be true since communicating with God is common among most Christians; however, as I’ve shared before, we might begin to take it for granted when we get familiar with things and overlook its potency. We won’t dig deeper or yield our will and heart to God; instead, we will go through the motions. But can I share something with you? God wants your whole heart and attention even in a rough season, which usually means we must dig deeper. Potentially longer or in silence. It may look different every time you come for prayer, and it may require other methods to surrender your heart and be open to hearing and receiving from the Lord. God wants your true heart, not the check mark of another spiritual task done for the day. Praying should feel new and refreshed each time with an expectation to meet with the Most High God personally. (Matthew 6:7, Romans 8:26, Philippians 4:6, Colossians 4:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:17)
- Get real. That may be blunt, but it’s what we need sometimes to drop the façade. Many of us need to confess to being hard-headed at times. The ugly truth may not be pretty, but the truth is there for a reason. Jesus always had to tell hard truths to those who were deceiving themselves, and they weren’t pretty. He exposed hearts, and some couldn’t handle it (Matthew 19:16-22, Matthew 23). Responding to this step will determine one’s perspective on overcoming tough times with sincere joy. It truly is up to the individual.
- Get ready. Once we speak out about what is going on in that heart of ours, we must brace and prepare ourselves for the things that will shake up our entire mindset, shift our moods when we don’t want to be moved, and interrupt our pouting sessions. You may think you’re more mature than you are and don’t recognize your many styles of temper tantrums because it’s how you have always responded to pain and change. However, God desires to tear those old habits down, beginning from the heart, so you can’t rely on your understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). It might hurt to let go of what has been your source of feeling justified but exchange it for God’s true justness.
- Get in the Word- consistently. The enemy prowls around, seeking who he can devour. Take that in. He’s not sitting on the sideline waiting for you to get through what you’re going through. This is what he’s been waiting for! Your vulnerability. Your guard down. Your distress and discouragement. However, he can try what he wants. It’s Christ that holds all power over principalities and powers. You must go get it. Do you want your contentment and an image-bearing perspective that imitates the likeness of Christ? You have to be intentional and involved. You have to pick up the Word and ask God to remove everything that hinders your belief in every single truth and promise He said is yours. You must go into beast mode. God will not knock on your door to hand-deliver joy and peace. You must actively receive it by diving into the Word of God (Psalm 19:7-14), which gives us a refreshing and joy! Dive in and dive deep into the living waters so His goodness may wash over you.
- Get going. Suppose we are only hearers and not doers of the Word. In that case, that is a clear sign we live in the deception of ignoring who we are in Christ and the state of our heart (James 1:22). The Pharisees were hearers only (John 5: 39-40), deceived themselves, and missed the Messiah and all the signs they were said to have known in their studies of the Scriptures. It’s about obedience and relationship with Christ; however, if we sit on our hands and don’t move on the Word by putting our feet to our faith, we can’t obtain the joy promised through obedience from Christ (John 15:8-11). Bearing fruit indicates we are not deceived. Bearing fruit shows, we keep in step with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16-25).
Many of us need to confess to being hard-headed at times.
Now that you have some steps to take. Use these in your everyday life. Then, when the tough times come, you have been preparing your heart and habits for battle. Exercise your faith and taste, and see that the Lord is good! He will show up on your behalf because He cares and loves you like no other.
Try these steps for yourself, especially in the tough times.
Nicole Washington is the founder and lead servant at No Limit for Christ Women’s Ministry. She is commissioned to help women strive to embrace No Limit, Living by faith in Christ through biblical truth and providing resources for women to mature into the fullness of Christ and live life abundantly. She has studied and graduated from a Biblical Studies program, has an M.S. in Psychology, and is soon pursuing her Ph.D. in Theology. She is married to Jeremi, and they have a tribe of seven children ranging from adults to youngsters. See what she’s up to:
www.thenlfc.org | Women’s Ministry
https://www.youtube.com/@NoLimitLiving | Biblical Personal Growth Channel
www.shopbftees.com | Christian Gift Store (funds NLFC ministry)