One of the many gripes heard in the Christian Community (CC) is how difficult it is to be in the world. “They” are crazy. “They” … “Them”…
You’ve heard it before. However, this narrative implies shock or surprise in some way, which is surprising in itself. Of course, they live a different life than we do, or should anyway. A more significant concern is why this shocks those in the CC. Jesus gave us the heads up. He said the world will hate you because it hated me first. That’s what is called a heads-up.
Yet the concern is why so many try to be included in the practices of this world, which makes the Christian lifestyle difficult to live. Therein lies the issue and challenge to practicing faith in today’s society. Many still want to dress like them, listen to the same music, attend the same movies and concerts, binge-watch the same entertainment, and indulge in the same conversations.
That does make life difficult. Fitting in is not part of the deal when you are adopted into the Kingdom family. In fact, if we asked Paul today, he’d probably tell us his life got more difficult and challenging after Christ. He was popular and had influence and status before living for Christ. He persecuted many Christians with gusto! Paul life was much easier before however, God chose him to share the Gospel to the Gentiles and he did that too with gusto.
One thing to notice is that Paul wasn’t surprised by his jail time, rejection, and mistreatment as a follower of Christ. No, he expected it. The quickest way we feel challenges comes from the different ways we choose to live. Here are two paths that can add to the challenges of life.
- First, we are trying to fit in with a society that is not receiving a Christian life. This makes life uncomfortable and strenuous. The stress of trying to fit a square into a circle is overwhelming.
- Secondly, the other side of the coin is we are being persecuted and rejected because we are devoted to living for Christ.
It should go without saying the latter is the better option. However, it will exclude you from most of what the world deems okay due to the depravity of our nature without Christ. It will mean forsaking all other things that don’t align with Christ, and this is where it gets tricky for some. They don’t want to be ostracized even though God said that is precisely the life we signed up for.
However, it’s only fair to acknowledge the reward for enduring faith until the end is not worth comparing whatever hardships we suffer for the sake of Christ is well… not worth comparing. So, praise God for that. Nonetheless, it’s only right to discuss how feeling left out can be hard for some. Flashbacks from grade school or toxic relationships, perhaps can lead us to make decisions from that place of rejection.
Either way, there is no clause in the Bible that states we get to avoid these challenges for the sake of fitting in and minimizing hardships and conflict. Jesus had to endure it, and so will we… if, in fact, we are true followers of Christ.